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Watch these videos, and note these were shot 50-60 YEARS ago, and note the similarities to what is now occuring, with PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRATS and their apparatchicks in ANTIFA and BLM.....Haunting and Timely...  MORE to COME!!

EERILY PRESCIENT....... Mr. Robert Welch  in 1974, as he fully identifies the Globalist/Marxist/Communist undermining of the United States of America, this is as fresh as today.....even though this speech was given originally SIXTY THREE YEARS AGO!!

Listen....Learn, and TAKE ACTION!!


Meet Manning Johnson, a black man and former Communist, whose insight into the Communist/Marxist dogma and proaganda system is priceless!  This audio was recorded over 60 years ago...and MORE valuable today than it was even then.  No more credible source for this information could there be than Mr. Johnson....Listen!



BLM’s Leftist Agenda Has Little to Do With Black Lives | The Heritage Foundation.  A revealing short video explaining the principal actors in the BLM Movement, and that fact that they are all Trained MARXISTS....



Hosted by Herbert A Philbrick, celebrated double-agent for the FBI and author of "I Led 3 Lives", this film is an excellent record of one of Philbrick's lectures about the evils of Communism he would give across the country

When Eric Clapton and Van Morrison...

are saying it.......something is HAPPENING......

Now ostracized, Clapton is not letting up.  The Battle Lines are Being Drawn.....


Rev.  Steve Craft at Camp Constitution


Rev. Craft GETS IT!!  2019 discussion of Color, Communism and Common Sense by Manning Johnson. Take heart everyone, this is going on ALL OVER THE COUNTRY, many in the minority Community have awakened to the fact that these Marxists do NOT have their best interests at heart...we will WIN THIS!!

"Communism and Co-Existence"

Documentary narrated by Harry von Zell, introduction by Alexander Kerensky, hosted by William J. Teague, 1963

The fact remains, there is NO possiblilty to co exist with such an evil philosophy.

"Communists on Campus"


Narrated by Dr. Walter H. Judd, 1970

Pay CLOSE attention to this....MANY of the names and people discussed and interviewd are actively involved in marxist subversions in the U.S. TODAY!! Take a look at the long slide of American Education into the lap of the Marxists Propogandists....Frightening...


and very timely video informing about Communist Tactics...Listen to this, though filmed over 50 years ago,  in 1969 by G. Edward  Griffin, many of the situations and tactics described here mirror perfectly the current anarchist actions of ANTIFA & BLM....Watch....

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