Richard Houser
Rick Houser is the current Chairman of the Lycoming County Patriots, and has been involved in several political campaigns in the past 25 years, is politically active in support of the Constitutional framework that has made our country possible and prosperous. Rick is dedicated to affirming and maintaining this framework and the precepts of Freedom and Liberty that have made this country strong and a perennial beacon of the light of freedom in an ever darkening world.

Catherine Burns
I'm a mother of a great son, have been self employed since 1980, strong Conservative, supportive of the police & military. I believe our country has gone off track, our children are in danger, and have faith we as Patriots, standing together can turn America around, with God's help!

Greg Stapp
Legal Team
Greg is a highly respected attorney in many forms of litigation, and offers his myriad talents to the Lycoming County Patriots on an ongoing basis. Please note too, Greg is HEAVILY Involved in fighting the Covid/Mask/Vaccine Mandate push being made by employers and sundry government officials, and is championing Freedom, Personal Choice and Sovereignty in the face of these malicious edicts. Please...if YOU have an issue regarding this situation, feel free to contact Greg directly by simply clicking on the Super Lawyers tag above.

Catherine Burns, Rick Houser
Agenda Coordinator
Membership Coordinator

Tina McCloy
J-6 Committee Chair
Tina has taken charge of bringing news and information about the many people who have been illegally detained abused and incarcerated by the U.S. Government for simply attending the January 6, 2021 Trump Rally in Washington D.D.