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In These Uncertain Time, this page offers information for basic survival if services and stores are not available.  Please check back often as we will update this page fequently to bring fresh information and news on how to make it through some of the rough spots which may soon be upon us.  We will provide articles, news Items, Links, Videos and other items of use for you when the time arrives....

The Patriot Pantry
NOW...WE can begin bringing items for storage at the "TOMB", non-perishable canned goods, dried items, fruit, soups, beef jerky, ANYTHING that can be stored and preparred adnan "Add Water" meal.

ALSO... Bottled Water, Juices, Juice Mixes, etc.  any sort of MRE ( Meals Ready to Eat) etcetera.

AS WELL.....

we are loooking for field operation items, such as...

Wtare purification items, Hand Crank Radios, solar batteries and lighting, geneerators, basic survival supply kits (Go Bags, Bug Out Bags, etc.)

SERIOUSLY Folks.....
IT'S SHOWTIME!!!!  We NEED to be ready for whatever is coming....IF WE ARE NOT....WE ARE IN TROUBLE!!!!

Rest assured, that WILL NOT HAPPEN....but NOW is the Time to PREPARE!!!!


Homestead Preparation




Our meeting of Monday, 13 November was very informative! Presentations of how to assemble emergency preparedness items to sustain you and your family is one of the many topics we seek to delivery over the ensuing weeks and months to come.

That said, one item that many of us possess and (hopefully) will never need is the portable or stationary home electric generator. These appliances are often purchased is response to reports of upcoming major storms, or by those who wish to have a supply of uninterrupted electricity to supply wells, furnaces, stoves, lighting, and a host of related home necessities such as oxygen generation systems, medication pumps, home health specialty bedding, etc.

As with any other appliance—just like your automobile, lawn and garden equipment, or chain saws---these “standby” generators often spend much of their life in a “down” mode. They see relatively little use. That said, fuel becomes stale, condensation builds in fuel tanks and inside the engine and fuel filter, insects and rodents can and will attack air filters and wiring.

How can you help insure that this home appliance will be ready for work when you need it?  I have listed several items below that will assist you in assuring that your home generator will indeed answer your call for help when most needed!

  • Gasoline---this is one the major problems with all small gas engines today. The addition of ethanol to gasoline causes water to be “drawn” into the fuel container-be it a plastic or metal can, fuel tank, fuel lines, filters, and carburetors. There are many products advertised today that claim to provide remedy for these problems—but sadly, do little to nothing to prevent or minimize the entry of water into the fuel system. Long story short, this creates a phenomenon called “white rust” in the carburetor and gums up the tiny jets and orifices there. Bottom line—engine MAY start will will not continue to run. SOLUTION: Purchase non-ethanol component fuel. This can be accessed at many Sheetz stations, such as the one at US15 and PA 54 in Montgomery, the Spirit station next to Dunkin Donuts at PA 405 and PA 442 in Muncy. This is “old time” gasoline without the new additives and can be stored for long periods without going stale. Never store gasoline in a quantity that you may not use in more than thirty days—especially if you cannot locate non-ethanol fuel!

  • Oil---check oil level frequently! Oil should always be checked with the engine COLD. Some engines have dipsticks like vehicles, while smaller units simply have a cap that screws into the engine block. NEVER overfill your engine with oil—this will be a recipe for engine failure. Use the correct oil viscosity for your particular engine. Most manufacturers nowadays recommend SAE 10W-30, with the exception of Briggs and Stratton, which still use SAE 30. You can get by with 10W-30 in a pinch, but the engine will use more oil. Check oil when refilling the fuel tank—shut off the engine and wait 3-5 minutes before checking oil level.

  • Air and Fuel Filters---air filters should be inspected at least every three months. Many manufacturers use foam elements in their filter boxes, or as “precleaners” over a paper element. These are favorite havens for insects and rodents. Replace both elements (if so equipped) should you notice any crumbling, chewed portions, or discolored air filter components. Fuel filters should be changed every year-regardless of use.

  • Fuel shutoff valves---many generators have a shutoff for the fuel system either under the tank or inline between the tank and carburetor. When preparing to start the generator, make sure the valve is in the ON position as noted on the valve. Once turned on, wait about 30 seconds then attempt to start the unit. When ready to shut the unit down, allow the engine to continue running, turn the fuel valve OFF, and allow the engine to run out of gas. This will help to protect small components in the fuel system that are sensitive to fuel problems.

  • Spark plugs---these rarely fail, with the exception of when they are installed in engines that have seen significant use. Carbon deposits may build up on the electrodes, causing hard or no starting. A good plan is to replace the plug(s) every two years. Inspect spark plug wires as these are also a “food source” for rodents. Cracked or chewed plug wires will short out the ignition system, causing a NO START condition. Inspect ALL visible wiring at regular intervalsf

It is highly recommended that you keep your standby generator in a building that shields it from weather extremes, unless you have a stationary/installed whole house unit. Keep the generator covered with a tarp or accessory cover, if available for your particular unit. Remove the cover at regular intervals and inspect for rodent/insect nests and clean as needed.

ALL generators must be run on a regular “test” basis to ensure they will provide the needed power when called upon. Most manufacturers recommend at least a monthly “exercise” of the generator, to include running the unit for around 15 minutes and applying a “load” to the outlet(s). This can be something as simple as a household fan, air compressor, lighting—anything to check the power output of the generator. If the engine runs but the unit fails to produce electricity, check fuses or circuit breakers for tripping. Reset or replace as needed.




This is by no means a complete coverage of generator maintenance. Diesel and propane powered units present a few different issues that require attention.

If you have an issue with a generator that you cannot resolve, feel free to contact Tom Schaech at 570-447-9908. I have over 50 years of small engine experience and can help you gain the reliability you look for!


Contributed by:


Tom Schaech

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